
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-11-05       本文受益:      


38. A. host B. manager C. assistant D. saver

39. A. convinced B. offered C. declared D. appointed

40. A. amount B. quality C. number D. yard

41. A. assist B. examine C. watch D. confirm

42. A. in the heat B. in the distance C. in the air D. in the way

43. A. by B. with C. under D. throughout

44. A. when B. before C. until D. unless

45. A. In general B. Worse Still C. In addition D. Above all

46. A. contented B. exhausted C. amused D. inspired

47. A. turn up B. put out C. cut off D. carry on

48. A. lost B. blocked C. ignored D. missed

49. A. flow B. go C. stand D. grow

50. A. cut B. search C. approach D. check

51. A. everyone B. anyone C. itself D. others

52. A. function B. reaction C. hope D. message

53. A. circulates B. performs C. shows D. explains

54. A. consideration B. honesty C. respect D. intelligence

55. A. grass B. work C. determination D. failure





When I moved to Melbourne, my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. After a medical examination, I 56 (tell) that I had to go to the hospital.

Not having a car or knowing the city well, I was depending 57 a couple of buses to get me from one place to another. Although I’d left myself plenty of time, it was soon clear 58 I was going to be late, as I had taken a wrong bus that was taking me in 59 opposite direction.

60 (get) off the bus, I stood on the footpath not knowing what to do. I looked at a stranger, who was trying to get past me. 61 (surprise), she stopped to ask if I was OK instead of moving on . I started to explain my situation, and tears started running down my face.

The kind woman pointed at a bus stop across the street, 62 a bus would take me back. Sitting there waiting, I felt grateful that someone had been willing to help. Then, hearing a horn nearby, I looked up to see a car and my new friend was waving at me to get in. She had returned to drive me to the 63 .

Such unexpected 64 (kind) from a stranger was a lovely gift to receive. As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank 65 , she smiled and told me not to give up, for all things are possible.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节:应用文写作 (满分15分)

66. 你班新来了一位年轻的美国外教Brendan,他希望同学们给他的课堂教学提些建议,如:上课的内容,








Dear Brendan,

We are so excited to have you teach us this term.____________________ ______________

_________________________________________________________________ ____________

___________________________________________________________________ ____________

I hope the advice will help and enjoy your life here.


Li Hua

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