
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-09-20       本文受益:      

___38.__ Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problem. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a student’s textbooks.
Thirdly, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient. 39.__     _ Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.
Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time. __40.___ With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.
In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads. iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm of their hands.
A. These tablets are perfect for busy students.
B. Secondly, iPads cost less and are more popular.
C. Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.
D. iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 American counties.
E. Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.
F. Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.
G. iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.
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