
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-09-07       本文受益:      

Perhaps most impressive, humpback songs contain tunes that rhyme. "This suggests that whales use rhyme in the same way we do: as a technique in poem to help them remember complex material," the researchers write.
32.The underlined words "converge on" in Paragraph 3 probably  means__________.
A. tend towards  B. refer to     C. turn into     D. put forward
33.Which of the following shows the advanced musical ability in humpback whales?
A. They can remember complex material.
B. They can create pleasing patterns of music.
C. They can make sounds like drums continuously.
D. They can sing along with rhythms of western music.
34.What is the main idea of the article?
A. Animals are able to compose and enjoy music like humans.
B. Human beings borrow ideas in music from humpback whales.
C. Humpback whales are skillful performers in the animal kingdom.
D. Music-making it an ancient activity of both humans and animals.
35.The main purpose of the passage is to __________.
A. argue and discuss        B. inform and explain
C. compare and advertise    D. examine and assess
第二节(共5 小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
                         How to Survive High School
High school can be a terrible phase if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.
1. Be Yourself.
High school is a fun time to make new friends, meet new people, date and socialize. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Most peer pressure cases are because of the weak image created by freshmen.   36   Don’t give into anyone’s wants.
2.   37  
Choose your friends carefully and make sure you won't get influenced by anyone. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will find friends, but stay away from the ones who don't want to be your friends as a bad company is tempting, but the good one is true.
3. Be Optimistic.
There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can.   38    Don't be afraid to make friends, don't get aggressive or personal with anyone and treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in return.
4. Be Confident.
When you believe in yourself, others believe in you. Talk, walk and address people confidently and this will create a strong image about you.   39  Be creative and unique and learn to set trends. Confidence is one quality you grow with, and people respect you for that.
5. Love High School.
  40   Make the most out of it, and you will never get those moments back. Come up with prank ideas, get a detention, top your class, make the best friends, drink, go to a prom, party, but just make as many memories as you can!
With these tips to survive high school, you will surely be proud of graduating as an all-round approaching adult.
A. And always wear your smile.
B. Keep Good Company.
C. Just be yourself and create a strong self image.
D. Practice positive thinking.
E. Do your thing, and don t imitate others.
F. Fall in love with it.
G. Study as hard as you can in your spare time.
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