
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-10-11       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 一起学习吧为你带来考后第一手资讯及试题答案,以下为江西师大附中2017届高三10月月考英语试题及答案,希望对大家的学习有所帮助~
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1. When did the man leave home?
   A. 30 minutes ago.      B. 60 minutes ago. C. 90 minutes ago.
2. What does Jack usually do after school?
   A. Plays with his friends.
   B. Plays computer games.
   C. Does his homework.
3. Why didn't the man sleep well last night?
   A. He had a fever.       B. His baby was ill.      C. His dog was ill.
4. What will the speakers compete?                                
   A. Running.            B. Rowing.            C. Swimming.
5. What is the man buying?
   A. A software.         B. A hard disk drive.     C. A flash drive.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22.5分)
6. What might have happened?   
   A. An earthquake.       B. A fire.     C. A gas leak.
7. Why didn’t the woman go out of the house?  
   A. She couldn't find the way.
   B. She was too afraid to move.   
   C. She worried about the valuable things at home.   
8. Where did the woman hide?
   A. In the bathroom.      B. In the bedroom.      C. In the kitchen.
9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Secretary and boss.   B. Teacher and student.   C. Doctor and patient.
10. Why was the woman late?    
  A. She got up late.     B. She missed the bus.   C. She got a telephone call.
11. What does the man ask the woman to do?
  A. Don’t miss the train.   B. Don’t call her aunt. C. Don’t be late again.
12. Why did the man make an apology to the woman?
A. He broke his promise.    
B. He couldn’t go back home.
  C. He had to go to see a film.
13. What will the man do this weekend?
  A. Phone his family.   B. Visit friends.      C. Go home.
14. When will the speakers see a movie together?
  A. Tomorrow.     B. Next weekend.     C. The day after tomorrow.
15. What can we know about the woman’s son?
A. He’s eight.    
B. He’s strong.    
C. He’s three feet eleven inches tall.
16. What kind of clothes does the woman’s son prefer?
  A. Fashionable.     B. Simple styles.     C. Light color.
17. What color does the woman take?
  A. Dark blue.        B. Melon yellow.     C. Sky blue.
18. What’s the case?  
  A. Three gunmen tried to rob a Chinese restaurant.
  B. Four gunmen managed to rob a Chinese restaurant.
  C. Three gunmen attempted to rob a Chinese shop.
19. What were the casualties in this case?
  A. The 53-year-old Ying Sun was shot to death.
  B. Three people lost their lives.  
  C. Nobody was injured or killed.
20. What was the result of the gunmen?
A. They all were arrested.    
B. They ran away with a car.
  C. They were arrested except one.
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