
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-02-20       本文受益:      

Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds. When this short amount of time elapses, however, the numbers are erased from the memory. How did the information get there in the first place? Information that makes its way to the short term memory (STM) does so via the sensory storage area. The brain has a filter which only allows stimuli that is of immediate interest to pass on to the STM, also known as the working memory.
There is much debate about the capacity and duration of the short term memory. The most accepted theory comes from George A. Miller, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that humans can remember approximately seven chunks of information. A chunk is defined as a meaningful unit of information, such as a word or name rather than just a letter or number. Modern theorists suggest that one can increase the capacity of the short term memory by chunking, or classifying similar information together. By organizing information, one can optimize the STM, and improve the chances of a memory being passed on to long term storage.
When making a conscious effort to memorize something, such as information for an exam, many people engage in “rote rehearsal”. By repeating something over and over again, we are able to keep a memory alive. Unfortunately, this type of memory maintenance only succeeds if there are no interruptions. As soon as a person stops rehearsing the information, it has the tendency to disappear. When a pen and paper are not handy, you might attempt to remember a phone number by repeating it aloud. If the doorbell rings or the dog barks to come in before you get the opportunity to make your phone call, you will forget the number instantly. Therefore, rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from the short term to long term memory. A better way is to practice “elaborate rehearsal”. This involves assigning semantic meaning to a piece of information so that it can be filed along with other pre-existing long term memories.
Encoding information semantically also makes it more retrievable(可取回的). Retrieving information can be done by recognition or recall. Humans can recall memories that are stored in the long term memory and used often. However, if a memory seems to be forgotten, it may eventually be retrieved by prompting. The more cues a person is given (such as pictures), the more likely a memory can be retrieved. This is why multiple choice tests are often used for subjects that require a lot of memorization.
(71)________ to STM The short term memory is also (72)________ to as the working memory, which in formation makes its way to via the sensory storage area.
Ways to (73)________ the STM ▲One can increase the capacity of the short term memory by chunking, or classifying similar information together.
▲One can make a memory more (74)________ to be passed on to long term memory, with information (75)________.
The (76)________ of rote rehearsal
▲“Rote rehearsal” can help keep a memory alive, but the kind of memory can only maintain (77)________ interruptions.
▲The information (78)________ to disappear once the rehearsal of it is stopped.
Another type of memory Information can be (79)________ more easily by encoding information semantically. It doesn’t matter when a memory seems to be forgotten, because (80)________ can help one pick it up.
A bookseller in Chongqing municipality has been leaving novels on trains and at stations to inspire more commuters to read, after seeing British actress Emma Watson take part in a similar project in London.
    Author and bookstore owner Jiang Lin, 29, randomly placed 40 works along the city’s light-rail system on Sunday.
"I considered the needs of commuters," he said. "I hope strangers can feel comforted by the books and feel connected with other readers."
Those who find a book can read it in public or take it home, but they are encouraged to leave it again on public transportation once they have finished with it, Jiang said.
    Up to now, more than 20 people have come onboard and are now working on a more detailed plan to spread the love of reading.
The idea is welcomed by quite a few people, saying that the campaign is of great importance when it comes to helping people improve reading skills. Others, however, set forth a totally different argument, pointing to the fact that books left on the light-rail were damaged and even littered.
"I believe there are many book lovers like me in China, and this project will be welcomed across the country," Jiang said.
1. 用约30个词概述上述短文的内容
2. 结合上述内容,谈谈你对“丢书大战”的态度并说明理由。
3. 高尔基说:“书是人类进步的阶梯。”你采取哪些做法来提升自己的阅读素养?(不少于两点)
1. 写作过程不能直接引用原文语句。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
3. 不必写标题。
4. 不少于150字。
  高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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