
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-11-15       本文受益:      

Most people know about the boomerang(回力棒),the legendary Australian throwing tool which,once released,returns to its owner.But have you heard of the boomerang generation? This refers to a phenomenon of people who move back home after briefly 1eaving their parents’houses for university in Western culture.Most of these young adults were born between the mid—1970s and mid—1980s.They are likened to the boomerang because they return to their home,just like the throwing too1.
Monster,a job search company,reported in a survey that 48 percent of prospective(未来的)graduates planned on becoming“boomerang kids”,returning home after graduation.Although many expected to just make a quick stop before getting their own place,Monster discovered that 42 percent of graduates said they were still living with their parents.
What is the cause of this passive generation? It may not be only the young people’s fault.The long-term economic recession(不景气)has made it difficult for college graduates to find jobs,while the cost of living has continued to rise.And as a result,many young people have lost hope and self-confidence.Moreover,the unconditional love and support of parents allow the boomerang kids to rely on them without feeling much guilt.
Boomeranging is not all negative.Kids get the chance to reconnect with their parents after
university,and parents get the opportunity to be a big part of their children’s adult lives,which can lead to closer bonds.
But critics of this phenomenon argue that this situation affects young adults.Without the stress or ambition to succeed,boomerang kids tend to become more passive in their search for good jobs,harming their professional ambitions.And finally,the extra financial burden on parents can become too heavy to bear,leading to deep and often permanent damage to the relationship.
28.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Many young adults like boomerang.
B.The boomerang generation are passive.
C.Adult children are moving back home.
D.The boomerang kids are burdens on parents.
29.What did Monster’s survey show?
A.Boomerang kids didn’t stay long at home.
B.The number of boomerang kids was large.
C.Boomerang kids were close to their parents.
D.There were few jobs for young adults to do.
30.Why are young adults becoming boomerang kids?
A.Because parents want to play a role in their kids’lives.
B.Because graduates want to reconnect with their parents.
C.Because it costs too much for graduates to live on their own.
D.Because graduates can easily succeed with their parents’help.
31.What is a result of boomeranging?
A.Boomerang kids will be self—confident.
B.Parents may have a bad relationship with their kids.
C.Parents will be free from the burden of raising kids.
D.Boomerang kids tend to lose their desire for knowledge.
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