
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-11-19       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 山东烟台2016-2017学年高三上期期中检测英语考试已经结束了,一起学习吧高考网考后为你带来第一手资料,以下为试卷的详细内容,一起来看下吧~
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How many office machines will they order?
A.Ten. B.Six. C.Four.
2.What does the woman mean?
A.She threw away the old shoes.
B.She has never seen the old shoes.
C.She put the old shoes under the chair.
3.Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In a hotel. B.In a restaurant. C.In a clothes store.
4.How does the man feel about the doctor’s advice?
A.Surprised. B.Disappointed. C.Satisfied.
5.What are the speakers talking about?
A.Their old neighbors.
B.Their old teachers.
C.Their old schoolmates.
6.How much will the man pay?
A.315 pounds. B.350 pounds. C.375 pounds
7.How will the man pay?
A.By credit card. B.By cash. C.By check.
8.Who decorated the study?
A.The man himself. B.The man’s friend.
C.A famous designer.
9.What does the woman ask the man to do?
A.Send her the picture B.Lend her the picture.
C.Call her back later.
10.Why is the woman calling the police?
A.Someone stole her suitcase.
B.Someone robbed her.
C.Someone broke into her house.
11.When did it take place?
A.Between 6:00 and 9:30.
B.Between 6:30 and 10:00.
C.Between 7:00 and 10:30.
12.What did the woman lose ?
A.A radio and some jewels.
B.A lot of money and some jewels.
C.A radio and a lot of money.
13.How did the man learn about the woman’s house
A.On the Internet. B.From his friend C.In the newspaper.
14.What does the man like best?
living room.
15.What is the condition of repainting the house?
A.Renting it for two years.
B.Paying the rent in advance.
C.Keeping no pets in it.
16.Who will come to see the house this evening?
A.The man and his wife.
B.The man’s wife and kids.
C.The man’s whole family.
17.What do we know about Penny?
A.She is brown. B.She is little. C.She is a guide dog.
18.When will Penny be tested?
A.In two months. B.In three months. C.In six months.
19.Which class will respond to the emails ?
A.The communication class.
B.The speech class.
C.The geography class.
20.What will students do in life skills class?
A.Watch their behavior.
B.Look after Penny.
C.Update the website.
高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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