
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-10-24       本文受益:      

     Fifty Japanese graduates decided to gamble with their job opportunities at a mahjong
tournament set up by interviewers looking for a different way to choose interviewees.  Held in
a crammed mahjong outlet in downtown Tokyo, competitors competed against each other on
Friday to gain the chance to face interviewers from six companies in the fitness, education,
technology and real estate sectors.
      "Mahjong is a very strategic game, so I think people who are good at it would be good at
marketing. This is a new approach and I find it really interesting," candidate Tomoko
Hasegawa, who desired to become a designer, told Reuters.
    Mahjong, which originated in China, is similar to a western card game, and players in
Japan said the game required skill, strategy, calculation and a degree of chance.
     Organizers said the tournaments began in 2012 and had gained popularity, mostly among
male students, and also with hirers, who said the game revealed more about the candidates
than just long pages of resumes(简历).
     On Friday, eight students advanced to the next round of the selection process. Between
five and ten students are hired by participating companies every year, organizers said.
29. What did hirers mainly want to express in Para.  4?
      A. The rules of the game.
      B. The qualifications of the candidates.
      C. The functions of the tournaments.
      D. The advantages of long pages of resumes.
30. What is Tomoko Hasegawa's attitude toward mahjong?
      A. A very popular activity.
      B. A competition to win jobs.
      C. A risk of gaining or losing money.
      D. A game related to a set of plans.
31. Why was the mahjong tournament set up?
      A. For employers to pick out interviewees.
      B. To promote the game of mahjong in Japan.
      C. For college students to show their special talents.
      D. To improve employees' skills and working ability.
   Scientists are debating how to limit their newly-discovered power to change genetic
structure. Scientists already modify the genes of farm animals and agricultural plants to make
them more productive or stronger. But now they can also change genes in wild animals and
plants. These genes would continue into later generations. For example, it may be possible
for scientists to remove from existence the kind of mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus. They
might also be able to permanently remove species of plants and animals that are destructive to
other species.
     In a report published last week, the U. S.  National Academies of Sciences, Engineering
and Medicine (NAS) said it supports continued research on this kind of gene control. But it
warned that it is not possible to know what will happen when these changed plants and
animals are released into the wild.
    Sixteen biologists, ethicists(伦理学家) and policymakers are on an NAS committee that
is examining the issue. They say that there is value to the new technology. But, they say,
there is not enough evidence to support the release of modified organisms (生物体) from the
laboratory into nature.
    Many people would support stopping mosquitoes and rats from carrying diseases. But
scientists say we must understand the possible scientific, ethical, legal and social results of
such action before we decide whether to take it. Gene modification is spread through
   Changed genes will continue to spread as long as an animal or plant continues to
reproduce. They cannot be limited to a farm or kept within a country's borders. Scientists are
wondering what may happen if a modified organism mates with another species. They are not
yet sure how the modified genes would affect the other species. It is possible that those genes
could harm those creatures or even lead to their disappearance from our planet.
32. What possible advantage does gene control in wild animals and plants have?
      A. Changing the Zika virus permanently. 高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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