
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-10-24       本文受益:      

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英    语
2016. 10
1. How does the woman usually go to work?
    A. By car.    B.By bus.    C.By subway.
2. When will the train leave?
    A. At about nine.    B.At about ten.    C.About eleven.
3. What will the man do next?
    A.Make a grocery list.
    B.Do some cooking.
    C. Fetch something for the woman.
4. How many workers worked on the bridge yesterday?
    A.80.    B.100.    C.120.
5. What can we infer about the house that used to belong to Mark?
    A.Its price has risen.
    B. Its price stays the same.
    C. Its price has gone down.
第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Which of the following main courses is mentioned in the conversation?
    A. Fish.    B.Beef.    C.Pork.
7. How does the woman order her food?
    A. By ringing up the restaurant.
    B. By showing up on the spot.
      C. By asking her friend to help her.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8.9题。
8. How does the man like to live?
      A. He is fond of living alone.
     B. He prefers to live a rich life.
     C. He likes living an independent life.
9. Who lives in New York City?
       A. The woman.
      B. The man's son.
      C. The woman's child.
10. What is the most probably relationship between Sylvia and Dr.  Morris?
      A. Colleagues.                    B. Neighbors.                  C. Family members.
11. When will Mr.  Woods see Dr. Morris?
      A. This week.                    B. At 2:00 pm today.        C. Next week.
12. Why does Sylvia ask Mr.  Woods if he has a pen handy?
      A. To write down where the new office is.
      B. To write down the time when he can see Dr. Morris
      C. To write down the address of Dr. Morris' house
13. Where does the man come from?
      A. San Francisco.                B. Houston.                    C. Southern California.
14. Which school are the speakers in now?
       A. Berkeley.                        B. Austin.                        C. Stanford.
15. What do the speakers have in common?
       A. Both of them are freshmen.
      B. They share the same major.
      C. They come from the same state.
16. What does the woman want to major in?
      A. Political science.
      B. Electric engineering.
      C. English literature.
听第 10段材料 ,回答第 17至 20题。
17. Which of the following is true about Wikipedia?
     A It has over 5 million articles.
      B. There are 2. 6 billion words in it.
      C. More than 2 million volunteers help to write it.
18. What is the purpose of the project?
      A. To break a record.
       B. To make more money.
      C. To show how big Wikipedia is.
19. Where may the books be stored in the end?
       A. In a library.
        B. In a museum.
        C. In a publishing house.
20. What is the passage mainly about?
      A. A general introduction to Wikipedia. com.
      B. PediaPress intends to print all of the articles from Wikipedia. com.
      C. People would like to refer to Wikipedia for information.
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