
阳光学习网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-05-09       本文受益:      

Known as “The Man with the Golden Arm,” nearly every week for the past 60 years, James Harrison has donated blood plasma(血浆) from his right arm. The reasons can date back to a serious medical procedure.
“When I was 14, I had a chest operation,” recalls Harrison, who is now aged 78. “My father said I had received 13 units of blood and my life had been saved by unknown people. So I said when I’m old enough, I’ll become a blood donor.”
Soon after Harrison became a donor, doctors called him in. His blood, they said, could be the answer to a deadly problem.
“In Australia, up until about 1967, there were about thousands of babies dying each year because of the rhesus disease(恒河猴症).” explains Jemma Falkenmire, of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
Harrison was discovered to have an unusual antibody(抗体) in his blood and in the 1960s he worked with doctors to use the antibodies to develop an injection(注射剂) called Anti-D which can prevent this disease.
Harrison’s blood is precious. Every batch of Anti-D that has ever been made in Australia has come from Harrison’s blood. He and Anti-D are credited with saving the lives of more than 2 million babies, according to the Australian Red Cross blood service: That’s 2 million lives saved by one man’s blood.
Harrison is considered a national hero, and has won numerous awards. He has now donated his plasma more than 1,000 times, but no matter how many times he’s given blood there’s one thing that will never change: “I look at the ceiling or the nurses, maybe talk to them a bit, but never once have I watched the needle go in my arm. I can’t stand the sight of blood, and I can’t stand pain.” he says.
25. What was the main reason for Harrison’s becoming a blood donor?
A. He has a golden arm. B. He has precious blood plasma.
C. His father encouraged him to help others. D. Donated blood once made him survive.
26. Why is James’ blood more precious?
A. James has the Anti-D in his blood.
B. His blood is more useful in treating the rhesus disease.
C. James’ blood is the main source of Anti-D in Australia.
D. James has donated more plasma than other donators.
27. How does Harrison feel when donating his plasma?
A. Nervous. B. Relaxed. C. Anxious   D. Excited.
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