2017山东济宁一模英语 山东济宁201届高三一模英语试题及答案(7)

阳光学习网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-03-16       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    One morning Maila woke up with a start.She had had a vivid  41  of a lonely child with huge big tired eyes praying for love and crying out“Find reel!”
    Maila was one of those people who used all her free time to help others and did it all in quiet, 42  bragging(自夸)about it.But it’s hard to keep an angel a secret  43  she would have wanted to do her helping  44  raising attention to herself.Soon word  45  ,bringing even more people in need of help to her attention.
    Although she was  46  to people in distress(困苦),she was shaken by the dream. She  47  to find the lonely child of her dream.
    And so she started  48  .She drove to every local hospital and institution where there were children.Maila felt  49  because she had no idea what the child would look like.All she could do was to  50  her feelings.She did this for weeks.She was not going to  51  her search.
Then one day she decided to visit an institution for  52  handicapped(残疾的)children.This institution  53  children that were so badly handicapped they could not be taken care of at home.Many of the children had been  54  as babies.There were stories of  55  who never told their new husbands they had had a handicapped child.
    She walked into one room after another.And then she saw the tired  56  she had been looking for.They belonged to a girl who could not  57  .She looked at Mafia with such longing in her eyes Mails  58  her immediately.
    “There you are!”she said,“I finally found you!”
    And the girl’s eyes were so full of  59  no one dared to doubt they were  60  to find each other.All the love she could not express with her words,was written in her eyes.
41.A.story     B.dream     C.report D.account
42.A.sometimes    B.often     C.always D.never
43.A.now that     B.in case     C.even though D.as if
44.A.by     B.for     C.without D.despite
45.A.ended     B.failed     C.helped D.spread
46.A.addicted     B.used     C.devoted D.opposed
47.A.decided     B.agreed     C.forgot D.pretended
48.A.complaining   B.searching     C.volunteering D.changing
49.A.confident     B.terrified     C.excited D.awkward
50.A.express     B.trust     C.ignore     D.control
51.A.give up     B.carry on     C.focus on D.depend on
52.A.slightly     B.rarely     C.severely D.mainly
53.A.interested     B.housed     C.cured D.recorded
54.A.educated     B.starved     C.abused D.abandoned
55.A.mothers     B.friends     C.parents D.nurses
56.A.children     B.patients     C.eyes D.1egs
57.A.speak     B.hear     C.see D.walk
58.A.believed     B.forgave     C.suspected D.recognized
59.A.surprise     B.joy     C.scare D.stress
60.A.allowed     B.forced     C.determined D.meant

第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。    将答案填写在答题卡上的相应位置。
    The first-ever direct China-to-Britain freight train(货运列车)arrived in London last    week.It was the  61 (1ate)evidence of China’s efforts to redevelop the “Silk Road”trade routes that once stretched from Asia to Europe.
    62 (travel)from China through Kazakhstan,Russia,Belarus,Poland,Germany,    Belgium and France for 18 days,the train finally arrived in London.Inside the 68 containers  63  (be)household goods,clothing,cloth,bags and suitcases.“This is  64  (two)as quick as sea and it’s much,much cleaner and cheaper than air freight,”said Philippa Edmunds, 65  works at the British Campaign for Better Transport.
    But the train itself may be more important than the goods  66  was carrying.Observers say the trip had a political message:that China is developing new trade routes and new markets.China needs to find more places  67 (sell)the goods it makes.That is the  68 (believe)of Jie Yu from the London School of Economics.“The domestic market in China now seems not to be very promising,so the Chinese are  69 (desperate)looking for the new markets.And obviously that freight train serves 70  a very good vehicle for the Chinese manufacturers and may help restore the business confidence inside China.”
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