
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2017-01-19       本文受益:      

(Text 8)
M: What are you doing?
W: I’m writing an e-mail to Wendy. She’s moved to a new house in Milton Street.
M: Oh, aren’t her family living in Brook Road now?
W: No. They moved on Wednesday. They’re having a house party on Saturday evening. Can I go?
M: You’ve got a football practice on Sunday. What time does the party start?
W: Six o’clock, but I don’t want to be early. I’ll go at half past six. I promise I’ll be home before eleven.
M: OK. Are you going to wear those jeans?
W: They’re a bit dirty and I always wear a T-shirt — I’ll put on my blue dress for a change.
M: Are you getting a present for Wendy?
W: I want to give her a DVD and it costs 15 pounds. I’ve used up the pocket money you gave me yesterday. Could you give me some for the DVD?
M: OK, here you are.
W: Thanks.
(Text 9)
M: Hi, Jean. You look worried. Is everything OK?
W: Hi, Bill. Actually I’m facing a few problems at work and I’m not really sure how to deal with them.
M:  What sort of problems?
W: Well, we’ve just got a new boss and he’s expecting us to start work at 8 o’clock in the morning. Of course that’s causing problems for me at home because it means my husband has to take the children to school every morning, which is making him late for work.
M:  Oh dear. I know how you feel. I had to deal with the similar problem last year.
W:  How did you deal with it?
M: Well, I didn’t at first and that created an even worse situation. The traffic is so bad nowadays that I was leaving the house at 6:30 every morning to get there in time. Then I realized I would have to address the problem sooner or later, so I raised the problem with my boss.
W:  Did you manage to settle it?
M: Yes, he is great. He said he hadn’t realized that the early start would present a problem and he agreed to let me start half an hour later.
W: That’s great. I’m sure my boss has no idea how much trouble he’s caused. Perhaps I should deal with it in the same way.
听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。(Text 10)
M: This is the Arts Festival Box Office. There is no one here to take your call, but do not hang up, as further information follows. There’s still one month before the festival begins. It’s on the 12th of May and continues to the 18th. There are things happening in several parts of the town. At the Theatre Royal, there will be a series of concerts, starting with jazz singer Elamain Delmar on the 12th. For classical music fans, Rose Band will appear on the 14th of May. There are also concerts at the Corn Exchange. For people who prefer dance music, we have the London All Stars Steel Band on the 15th. And there will be a series of jazz concerts each day at 1 o’clock. During the lunch-time concerts a bar will be open for the sale of wine and we are offering free soft drinks. Sandwiches will also be on sale. Light meals can be bought in the restaurant afterwards. Ickworth is joining in the festival as usual. There is a guided walk around Ickworth Park on the 16th. Also, on the 18th, we have a special concert of piano music. The price of tickets includes coffee and you are advised to book early. For more information, visit the Box Office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, or 12 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Bookings can be made in person, by post or by telephone. We also accept credit card bookings by fax on 0284 706035. For these bookings, you must use our booking form. Thank you for calling.
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