
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-12-06       本文受益:      

Though there are about 400 languages from all over the world that are in danger of disappearing completely,ZoqueAyapaneco,a native Mexican language is considered the most likely to become extinct,because the only two people in the world that speak it fluently do not talk to each other!
And,it's not because they live in different countries,states or even villages. In fact,Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velazquez,both in their 70s,live within 500 yards of each other,in the village of Ayapa in the Southern Mexican State of Tabasco. They,however,refuse to communicate because they simply don't have much in common. Segovia is apparently a little flank in nature while Velazquez is described as shy.
Segovia was at least able to talk in ZoqueAyapanece with his brother until he passed away about 12 years ago,and still manages to practice it with his family,especially his son Manuel,who for the last five years has been trying to learn it and hopes to become fluent enough to teach it to the next generation. Velazquez on the other hand,has not been heard speaking in the language with anybody.
The two men say the language used to be widely spoken in the village,but the younger generation shunned it for fear of being laughed at,and it therefore began to die a slow death,as the elders passed away.
Unless the two men get their acts together,the only way to hear the language will be to either listen to Manuel's not-so-fluent statement or see them talk in a documentary entitled “Lengua Muerta” (Dead Language) that is being filmed to capture Zoque Ayapaneco and 364 other native Mexican languages that are in a similar state.
We sure hope Segovia and Velazquez soon find something common to talk about. Maybe the fact is that the language is dying and that they should start encouraging and teaching the next generation together.[:]
32.What do we know about Zoque Ayapaneco?
A.It was widely used twelve years ago.            
B.It is a Southern American language.
C.It will be popular in Mexico in the near future.
D.It will be dying out if no effective measures are taken.
33.The underlined word “shunned” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.
A.favored B.identified C.were reluctant to learn D.denied
34.From the passage,we can conclude that________.
A.altogether 365 languages are becoming extinct in the world.
B.Segovia and Velazquez will communicate with each other soon
C.the government cares a lot about the protection of Zoque Ayapaneco
D.we can hear the language from Manuel or documentary “ Lengua Muerta”
35.What's the main idea of the passage?
A.World's endangered languages are being filmed.
B.Villagers are trying to protect their old language.
C.An endangered language is spoken by only two people.
D.There are a lot of languages in Mexico.`
(请将答案涂在答题卡上E=AB   F=AC    G=AD)
Recycling: Beyond the Dustbin
Recycling is very important and necessary in today’s world. The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things, and when people have many material possessions, they are bound to throw some of them away. ___36___
Recycling is a way for us to keep the world clean as items are broken down and used again, preventing the littering of the environment. Instead of throwing all your garbage into the dustbin, you should separate paper, metal, glass, and plastic into different containers. ___37___ They can be turned into valuable compost(堆肥), which is the perfect plant food and soil disease fighter.
___38___ You can see if an item has been made from recycled materials by its label. If it’s been recycled, it will say so. Also instead of always buying new clothes, you can arrange to have a clothing exchange with your friends. You bring clothes you don’t want and pick items you want from what other people have brought. Not only does this save the environment, but it also saves your money. ___39___ This saying can be applied to all sorts of things: books, CDs, furniture, etc. Also try shopping at second-hand stores, because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose.
Many countries have made it easy for people to recycle, as alongside the normal garbage trucks, special garbage trucks come and pick up recyclables. However, in some countries the responsibility is left up to the ordinary people to recycle. ___40___ Recycling represents just one way in which we can help the environment. But it is an effective one and one that we can actively influence.
A. Fallen leaves can also be recycled.
B. Having too many things causes a lot of garbage.
C. You should try to buy products that have been recycled.
D. Products made with recycled materials are as good as new products.
E. This creates a lot of garbage which in turn destroys the environment.
F. Remember, what is one person’s unwanted object can be someone else’s treasure!
G. Therefore, it needs attention in society so we can continue to make our environment livable.
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