
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-04-21       本文受益:      

Allow me to introduce you to Terry, a window salesman from England. If I could take you back about 20 years, you’d know Terry as a complete green hand, who was wet behind the ears in just about everything he attempted. A person couldnt sell false teeth to his own Granny, let alone he could compete with the other salespeople in the industry. You know, the kind who could sell snow to Eskimos.
Terry’s boss decided to send him out on a practical field trip on his first day. So off he went, but he was extremely nervous. With his hands and his knees shaking, he approached the front door and knocked at it. And an old woman appeared. After dozens of cups of tea and pieces of biscuits, the woman signed a contract and purchased over $7,000 worth of windows.
The woman had already talked with 6 excellent salesmen that week, all of whom offered her cheaper ones! That’s right—Terry’s price was the most expensive and he was also the most inexperienced salesman there ever was.
So, what happened then? Here comes the secret. The woman said she liked the young lad more than the others. That’s all there was to it. She didn’t care about the extra expense. Even the other salesmen couldn’t persuade her to pay less than this young lad was asking for.
The truth is that the young lad left on the woman the first impression that shone brighter than any of the salesman’s talk. First impressions count, not the sales techniques, not the low prices. The actual “personality” the kid honestly gave was all that was required. If you market your own products and services, consider what impression you are giving to others. If you appeal to them, then you’ve already done half of the work. If this means redesigning your presentation, then so be it. If this means going out of your way to be polite, helpful and giving the best possible shopping experience to your customers, the so be it.
28. When Terry was offered the job of salesman, he         .
A. was good at sales techniques
B. knew little about sales skills
C. was believed in by his boss
D. was too young to do it
29. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 suggests that         .
A. Terry couldn’t trade with Eskimos
B. Terry loved his Granny more
C. Terry was afraid to compete
D. Terry was too honest to do the job
30. What made the young lad succeed in selling the window to the old woman?
A. First impression of good personality.  
B. Being honest and childish.
C. High quality and expensive window.
D. Strange ways of sales.
31. The passage is most likely written to         .
A. general readers    B. new salesmen   C. window makers D. new graduates
Everybody sleeps, but what people stay up late to catch—or wake up early in order not to miss—varies by culture. From data collected, it seems the things that cause us to lose the most sleep, on average, are sporting events, time changes, and holidays.
Around the world, people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time. Russians, for example, began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to “winter time”starting on October 36.
Russia’s other late nights and early mornings generally correspond to public holidays. On New Year’s Eve, Russians have the world’s latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 am.
Russians also get up an hour later on International Women’s Day, the day for treating and celebrating female relatives.
Similarly, Americans’ late nights late mornings, and longest sleeps fall on three-day weekends.
Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey(冰球)final.
The World Cup is also chiefly responsible for sleep deprivation(剥夺), The worst night for sleep in the U.K. was the night of the England-Italy match on June 15. Brits stayed up a half-hour later to watch it, and then they woke up earlier than usual the next morning thanks to summer nights, the phenomenon in which the sun barely sets in northern countries in the summertime. That was nothing, though, compared to Germans, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup.
It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns, in some of these nations, it’s likely that only the richest people do. And people who elect to track their sleep may try to get more sleep than the average person. Even if that’s the case, though, the above findings are still striking, If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing?
32. What does the author say about people’s sleeping habits?
A. They are culture-related .              B. They affect people’s health    
C.They change with the seasons.           D.They vary from person to person.
33.What do we learn about the Russians regarding sleep?
A. They don’t sleep much on weekends.
B. They get less sleep on public holidays
C.They don’t fall asleep until very late.
D.They sleep longer than people elsewhere.
34.What is the most probable reason for some rich people to use a device to record their patterns?
A. They are involved in a sleep research.
B. They have trouble falling asleep.
C. They want to get sufficient sleep.
D. They want to go to bed on regular hours.
35.  What does the author imply in the last paragraph?
A. Sleeplessness does harm to people’s health.
B. Few people really know the importance of sleep.
C. It is important to study our sleep patterns.
D.Average people probably sleep less than the rich.
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