
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-11-04       本文受益:      

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英    语
例:How much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15.    B.£9.18.    C.£9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In a bookshop.    B. In a restaurant.    C. On the road.
2.What does the man really care about?
    A. Money.    B. Whom to go with,    C. Where to go.
3. What do we know about Fred's house?
  A It's near an airport.    B. It's very quiet.    C. It's quite expensive.
4.What do we know about the man's wife?
    A. She worked in a restaurant.    B. She taught herself how to cook.
    C. She wrote a good cookbook.
5. When should the speakers have been at the airport?
    A. Around 4:00 p.m.    B.A round 4:30 p.m.    C. Around 5:00 p.m.
6.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Colleagues.    B. Schoolmates.    C. Teacher and student.
7. What does the man think of the woman?
    A. She lacks experience.    B. She has done a great job.
    C. She should work harder.
8. Why did the man miss the woman's call yesterday?
  A. He was out without his phone.    B. He was playing computer games.
  C. He was taking a shower.
9.What did the woman do yesterday?
    A. She went shopping.    B.She went to a concert.
    C. She bought her sister a gift.
10. Why did the woman call the man?
  A. To see what's wrong with him.
  B. To tell him something about the concert.
  C. To invite him to her sister's wedding.
11. What is Amazon Tree Houses?
    A. It's a hotel.    B.It's a newspaper.    C.It's a company.
12. Why is the woman interested in the article?
  A. She wants to travel in Amazon.    B.She wants to run a tree house hotel.
  C. She wants to live in a tree house.
13. What does the man think of the woman's plan?
    A. Not practical.    B.Quite interesting.    C.Not profitable.
14. How did the man find working here before?
    A. Boring.    B.Enjoyable.    C.Challenging.
15. What did the man use to do during long lunch breaks?
    A. To exercise in the gym.  B.To go out alone.    C.To leam new skills.
16. Why does the man still work here?
    A. He has a good salary.  B.He can travel a lot.    C.He can work on his own.
17. When will the lunch break start?
    A. 11:40.    B.11:50.    C.12:00.
18. What's the speaker mainly talking about?
    A.A new product.    B.Office hours.    C.A recycling program.
19. When will the changes take place?
    A. Next Wednesday.    B.Next Thursday.    C.Next Friday.
20. What are the listeners asked to do when they leave?
    A. Take a paper of information*    B. Visit the speaker's office.
    C。Select food to order.
  Cinemas in Britain
    100 years of Cinema Architecture
  Richard Gray
     The first purpose-built cinemas were little more
than basic rectangular rooms. However, as the
  popularity of film-going grew in the 1920s and 1930s,
  the buildings became more complex and theatrical in
 atmosphere. These movie palaces could seat as many
 as 4,000 people and often featured fantasy interiors,
  such as Egyptian temples and Gothic cathedrals.
    Beautifully illustrated(配有插图的),the book provides a detailed architectural
history of the cinema, but also evokes the magic of movie-going.
$80. Hardback  1996. ISBN-13:978-0-85331-685-5
Sir John Soane and the Country Estate
tolemy Dean
     Sir John Soane was one of Britain most inventive
architects. His achievements include the Bank of England
and the world's first picture gallery at Dulwich, buildings
of intemational importance. His country estate work,
inspired by classical antiquity, ranges in scale from the
remodeling of existing country houses, such as Wimpole
Hall  Cambridgeshire  and  Aynhoe  Park   in
Northamptonshire, to simple outbuildings.
    Ptolemy Dean is a practicing architect and is well known as an expert presenter of
the popular BBC2 series "Restoration". He also serves on the English Heritage
London Advisorr Comnuttee.
$80. Hardback 1999. ISBN  13:978-1-84014-293-8
Burlding a Masterpiece: The Sydney Opera House
Edited by Anne Waston
   Half a century has passed since Australia's New
South Wales government launched a competition to
give Sydney a new music and performance center.
The result of the competition is the magnificent
Sydney Opera House designed by the visionary
 Danish architect Utzon and the starting point for Building a Masterpiece: The Sydney
 Opera House
     Anne Watson is the curator(馆长) of Architecture and Design at the Powerhouse
Museum. She has written and lectured widely on many aspects of
 nineteenth-and-twentieth-century design. Her publications include Decorative Arts
 and Design, Beyond Architecture and Visions of a Republic.
$80. Hardback 2006. ISBN-13:978-1-85331-941-2
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