
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-10-16       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    For much of the earliest history of our species, home may have been nothing more than a small fire and the light it cast on a few familiar faces. But whatever else 41 is — and however it entered our consciousness — it’s a way of organizing  42 in our minds. Home is home,and eve  rything else is not-home.
    Not that you can’t feel “at home” in 43 places. But there’s a big psychological 44 between feeling at home and being home. Feeling at home in other places is simply a way of saying that the not-home-ness of those places has 45 since you first arrived. Some people,as they 46 through their lives,rediscover home again and again. Some people never find another after once 47 home. And,of course,some people 48 leave the only home they’ve always known.
   Homesick children know how 49 the boundary between home and not-home can be because they 50 the difference. I know the 51 because I was one of them. I felt a strong connection between people 52 in the small town I grew up in. But spending the 53 away from home,such as sleeping at my friends’ houses, made everything seem alien. And yet when I got back home in the morning,home was as usual. That was the 54 —home is a place so 55 that you don’t even have to notice it.
    And there’s something more. 56 my father died,my brothers and sisters and I went back to his 57 ,where he’d lived alone. It wasn’t only his 58 we felt. It was as though some  thing had 59 from every object in the house. They had,in fact,become 60 objects. The person whose heart and mind could combine(结合)them into a single thing — a home—had gone.
41.A.history   B. home       C. fire          D.Blight
42.A.space       B. time       C. work          D.Bconcept
43.A.enough       B. all       C. such          D.Bother
44.A.connection   B. balance    C. relationship   D.difference
45.A.changed   B. remained    C. reduced       D.Bincreased
46.A.move       B. develop    C.search          D.Bchoose
47.A.returning    B. leaving    C. finding       D.forgetting
48.A.also       B. again        C. never           D.Bever
49.A.limited   B. close        C. sharp           D.common
50A. learn from   B. suffer from C. think about    D.speak about
51.A.feeling   B. illness    C. impression   D.Bsense
52.A.nowhere   B. everywhere    C. somewhere       D.Banywhere
53.A.morning   B. noon        C. afternoon       D. Bnight
54.A.result       B. view        C. problem         D.Bpoint
55.A.familiar   B. safe        C. similar       D.Bwarm
56.A.Before      B. Until        C. Though       D.BAfter
57.A.office      B. hometown    C.Bhouse           D.Blaboratory
58.A.kindness  B. brightness    C.Babsence       D.Bappearance
59.A.escaped  B. disappeared    C.Bhidden       D.fallen
60.A.merely      B. really        C.Bvaluable      D.delicate 高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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