
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-06-03       本文受益:      

Smart people may be far happier with their own company than meeting friends. A new study has found that for intelligent people, the more frequently they socialize with friends, the less satisfied they are with life.
The findings come from two evolutionary psychologists who challenge the modern view that the more social contact we have the happier we will likely be. Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University propose that the core social skills developed in our ancient past still have a great influence on our happiness today. They propose that the “savannah theory” is at the root of modern happiness. This theory dictates that the factors which made early humans satisfied are still true with modern life.
Using data from a long-term study, which surveyed adults from 18 to 28, they applied the theory to explain the findings of self-reported levels of life satisfaction. The pair focused on just two of many factors, which they say characterize basic differences between modern life and the way our ancestors lived - population density and how frequently we interact with friends. As might be expected, they found people living in more densely populated areas reported lower levels of life satisfaction.
“For anyone who deals bravely with the boring routine of the rush hour commute in a city, this is no surprise. Also as we might expect, more frequent socialization with friends had a more positive association with levels of life satisfaction. But these two factors interact strongly with intelligence.”
The pair explained that among the extremely intelligent more frequent social interaction is actually linked with reduced satisfaction. 
They believe there may be a mismatch between the way we have evolved and the rapid lives we lead today – where society has left our minds and bodies struggling to keep up. They also believe smarter individuals may be able to better adapt to the challenges of modern life, and may find it easier to leave ancestral social roots behind in order to move ahead. For the most intelligent among us, it may be that there is conflict between pursuing greater goals and being tied to our evolutionary past.
32. According to the passage, it is commonly believed in the modern world that _____
A.the more frequently people socialize with their friends, the less satisfied they are with life.
B.the more frequently people socialize with their friends, the more satisfied hey are with life.
C.the more intelligent one is, the more satisfied he or she is with life.
D.the more intelligent one is , the less satisfied he or she is with life.
33. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 indicate?
A.Early humans and modern humans have the same satisfaction  
B.Early humans were more satisfied with their lives than modern humans.
C.What made early humans satisfied still works in the modern life.
D.What made early humans and modern humans satisfied is quite different.
34. According to the new study, the main differences between modern life and early humans’ lie in ________
A.living conditions and intelligence of friends
B.life satisfaction and frequency of interaction
C.frequency of interacting with friends and intelligence of friends
D.population density and frequency of interaction with friends
35. From the last two paragraphs, it is safe to say that          .
A.No intelligent people can adapt to the rapid lives they lead today.
B.It is important to keep a balance between our minds and bodies.
C.The extremely intelligent people prefer to bury themselves into various social activities.
D.The most intelligent people may feel dissatisfied with their lives with frequent social activities.
____36    When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view.
The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels.     37    .
The first and most basic level of wants involves food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.     38     It included such items as automobiles and new houses.
By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction-the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment.     39      
On this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level? 高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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