
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-06-03       本文受益:      

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英 语 试 题
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Which book does the man suggest the woman borrow?
A. The novel.                B. The cook book.             C. The law book.
2. What is the man tired of?
A. Chinese food.             B. Japanese food.              C. American food.
3. What has the man grown in his garden?
A. Vegetables.               B. Flowers.                   C. Fruits.
4. Why doesn’t the man go out with his friends?
A. He is busy in earning money.
B. Things are expensive.
C. He has no time.
5. How late is the woman?
A. Over an hour.             B. An hour.                    C. 45 minutes.
6. Why does the man make the phone call?
A. To make an appointment.
B. To ask for some information.
C. To offer some suggestions.
7. What will the man do afterwards?
A. Find a house.                 B. Hunt for a new job.         C. Read some materials.
8. Where are the speakers?
A. At a meeting.                  B. At a party.                C. At a wedding.
9. Who is in Toronto?
A. Jim.                         B. Anne.                    C. Mary.
10. How long does the exhibition last in total?
A. About one week.               B. About three weeks.          C. About one month.
11. When is the gallery closed on weekends?
A. At 3:00 pm.                   B. At 4:00 pm.                C. At 5:00 pm.
12. What does the man want to see?
A. Old pictures.                  B. Modem paintings.           C. Modem sculpture.
13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Fellow workers.               B. Strangers.                  C. Guide and tourist.
14. What does the man do?
A. A teacher.                     B. A doctor.                  C. A nurse.
15. Where does the woman come from?
A. Nepal.                        B. France.                   C. Switzerland.
16. What do we know about the woman?
A. She will go back next week.
B. She doesn’t know Elizabeth Morath.
C. She came to the place for work.
17. What is the speaker?
A. A ticket seller.                 B. A bus conductor.           C. A tour guide.
18. Where are the listeners probably?
A. On a bus.                     B. At the airport.             C. At a tourist spot.
19. How much does a ticket cost a child above 14?
A. $14.                         B. $15.                     C. $25.
20. Where will the listeners have lunch?
A. At the Nicolet Shopping Center.
B. At the St. Anthony’s Falls.
C. At the Waller Art Center.
高考英语模拟试题库  http://www.17xuexiba.com/yy/
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