
一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-05-23       本文受益:      

10. What lesson should the man learn?
    A. Paying the telephone bill on time.
    B. Learning about the charges in advance.
    C. Asking permission to use the telephone.
11. What does Mary probably do?
    A. She’s a worker         B. She’s a nurse.           C. She’s a traveler.
12. Why is Mary going to work in Australia?
    A. She’s going there as a volunteer.
    B. She doesn’t like her job in America.
    C. She has been sent there by a hospital.
13. Who will pay Mary’s traveling expenses?
    A. Her family.            B. Her hospital.           C. A certain program.
14. What did the woman think of her 40th birthday party?
    A. Interesting.            B. Disappointing.          C. Surprising.
15. What does the woman want this year’s birthday party to be like?
    A. Fun.                 B. Different.              C. Simple.
16. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.    B. Husband and wife.       C. Good friends.
17. Who will probably be interested in this introduction?
    A. English learners.       B. Language teachers.       C. Native English speakers.
18. Why do they offer this kind of service?
    A. To advertise their video products.
    B. To help people improve their English.
    C. To help people enjoy different English accents.
19. How can people enjoy the service offered?
    A. They can help themselves.
    B. They have to ask a librarian.
    C. They can get free tips online.
20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A. English grammar.       B. A free video library.     C. The English videos.
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