
一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-05-20       本文受益:      

32. Why is the technology linked to pets warmly welcomed?
    A. More and more pets are raised now.
    B. More and more women work outside.
    C. The devices are becoming cheaper.
    D. People dislike looking after their pets themselves.
33. How did Anne Ryan feel after using the Petzi TreatCam?
    A. Annoyed.      B. Tired.           C. Relieved.        D. Worried.
34. Which of the following can help owners find their missing pets?
    A. PetChatz.                         B. The Petzi TreatCam.
    C. CleverPet.                        D. The Pet Tracker.
35. What does Pamela Wyman think of the pet-related technology?
    A. It can replace pet owners entirely.
B. It can help pet owners to 'raise their pets.
    C. It is not good for pet owners to use.
D. It can improve family relationship.
                       How to Write a Letter to Parents
    As a teacher, one of the most difficult parts of your job is working with parents. With proper communication, however, you can build bridges between the school and home.  36  If you do it properly, this is an excellent way to communicate when you cannot meet with parents face to face.
    ·Put positive communication in the letter, even if you are writing to discuss a problem. 37  Even if it is difficult, you must find this positive spin, because it will make the parents more open to what you have to discuss. The general rule is "start with the good, hit them with the bad, then end on a positive note".
·38  Express your concern and desire to help. Do not place it completely on their shoulders, as they may resent(厌恶) this action. Show them through the letter that you want to work with them to find a solution.
    ·Ask for a response. You can ask them to write hack, sign a part of the letter or give you a call.  39  Be caring, but make sure they got the communication. Remember, your goal is to work together to help their child succeed.
    ·Consider mailing the letter to the parent, rather than sending it home with the student. Some students will intentionally forget to give the letter to their parents, while others will accidentally or purposely lose the letter.  40
A. Share the problem with the parents.
B. Respect parents and never quarrel with them.
C. Writing a letter to parents is one way to do this.
D. If you do not hear from them, you should call them.
E. Whenever you meet with problems, you should keep cool.
F. You can do this by pointing out a gain the child has made recently.
G. Sending it in the mail makes it more certain that it will be received.
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