2016河南八市重点高中高三第三次质量检测英语试题及答案 河南三(5)

一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-05-19       本文受益:      

    A. she is a great young rock climber
    B. she can always find climbing holds that don’t exist
    C. she doesn’t look like an athlete at all
    D. she is the first female climber in the world
33. Which of the following is true about the course “Open your Mind Direct”?
    A. Climbers can take the course only in Spain and America.
    B. It is not difficult to finish the course.
    C. Climbers have to finish it without any holds at near the top.
    D. Not many climbers have done well in it.
34. From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.
    A. she wants to try other events in sports
    B. she wonders why people are shocked
    C. she expects to do better in rock climbing
    D. she decides to try anything men can do
35. The passage mainly focuses on ________.
    A. A Rock Star in the Climbing World     B. The First Female Rock Climber
C. A Most Influential Teenager in America
D. The Champion of American National Youth
Everybody knows about lots of relatively easy things on weight loss.   36   However, if you have ever tried some before without success, then the following guides could be more useful for your life.
There’s no magical diet.
    We often think that if we can just discover the “right” kinds of foods, we’ll magically lose weight or maintain what we’ve lost. In fact there doesn’t seem to be any “right” diet, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that one particular diet will work better with an individual’s body.   __37  
    Dieting gets the better of exercising.
    It is said that exercise is the key to weight loss—taking the stairs instead of the elevator will make a difference, for instance.   38   Decreasing food intake is much more effective than increasing physical activity to achieve weight loss. Of course, both together would be even better.
    Work harder than other people.
    Exercise may not help go back to what it was before you gained weight. So if you’ve been overweight and you lose weight, maintaining that loss means you’re probably going to have to work harder than other people. Building muscles can help your body burn a few more calories.   __39   It seems unfair, but that’s the way it is.
    For energy balance, it’s the number of calories that counts. It’s certainly true at least in theory and sometimes in practice. You can gain weight eating too much healthy food as well as unhealthy food. So the point is not to question what a calorie is, but rather to understand that we need to exchange the calorie-packed foods for foods that are less calorie-dense and more nutritionally dense.
A. All calories are created equal.
B. Some of them are also extremely effective when actually carried out.
C. A calorie is a calorie!
D. We know pretty much that any diet will work if you follow it.
E. However, it’s much more efficient to cut calories.
F. Some of the calories we burn come from our basic exercise.
G. However, it’s also likely that you’ll have to do more in the long run.
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