
阳光学习网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-05-22       本文受益:      

Text 7
M: Mom, I hate eating vegetables!
W: You don’t have to eat them. I don’t mind.
M: Thanks, Mom. Can I have dessert now? I love chocolate cake.
W: No dessert for you unless you eat more vegetables.
M: But I don’t like them. It’s not fair.
W: You can have some fruits for dessert. If you eat an apple and a banana, I might let you have a small piece of chocolate cake.
M: OK, actually I don’t mind eating peas or carrots. But I hate cabbages and cauliflower.
W: I’ll remember that for next time. You’ll get extra peas and carrots, but no cabbages or cauliflower, OK?
M: Thanks, Mom!
Text 8
M: Hi Anna, come in.
W: Wow, your apartment is a mess.
M: I know, I didn’t have time to put things away before you got here.
W: Look! Are those all your clothes on the couch?
M: Yes.
W: Are they clean?
M: Actually most of them are dirty. I haven’t done laundry for a while. I usually wait until I can do it at my parent’s house.
W: My sister and I usually go to the laundry down the street. Why don’t you go there?
M: I know I should, but that place isn’t very convenient. You have to wait for a long time.
W: Yes, I know. I have to do it every week. Anyway, are you ready to go?
M: No, I’m not ready yet. I still have to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can you wait for a few minutes?
W: OK, but please hurry. I think the restaurant is closing soon.
Text 9
M: Hi, Cheryl.
W: Hello, Phil. How are you?
M: I’m fine. Where are you heading?
W: Oh, I’m on my way home from work.
M: I didn’t know you had a job.
W: Yeah. I work part-time at a supermarket.
M: What do you do there?
W: I work in the produce section, wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Phil?
M: Yeah! I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, cleaning leaves, pulling weeds, things like that.
W: I’d like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.
M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains or snows or gets too hot or too cold.
W: I guess every job has its drawbacks. There are times when I get pretty tired of carrying things around at my job.
M: Yeah. But, a job’s a job. Got to earn money for school. Well, I’d better get going. I’ve got to plant some trees for my neighbors this afternoon.
W: Well, take care. It was great seeing you!
Text 10
A recent survey shows that storytelling ranks before television or video games among pastimes for kids. The survey was carried out among 500 children aged 3 to 4 in Britain, of whom over three-quarters said they wished their parents could read to them more often. Almost two-thirds of the kids said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep better and more easily.
According to the survey, there are two ways for parents to become good storytellers. They can use funny voices to show different characters in a story. They can also make their own special sounds to keep the story interesting and attractive. When Mum and Dad aren’t at hand, over 30% of kids would like to hear a bedtime story from famous people like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Other movie stars like Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson are welcomed by children, too. “It can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children. But these moments can help build close relationship between parents and children, and also can play an important part in their child’s development,” said child psychologist Woolfson
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