2016四川高三预测金卷英语试题及答案 四川预测金卷英语(10)

一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-05-14       本文受益:      

Text 1
M: I need to use the restroom, but the door is locked. No one is in there because I already knocked on the door. Can you give me the key?
W: Well, the restroom is for customers only. You’ll need to buy something before I can give it to you.
Text 2
M: When does the play start? My ticket says 7:30 p.m.
W: Well, that’s when it officially starts. They actually check tickets fifteen minutes earlier.   And if you’re not seated when the lights go down five minutes before that, they won’t let you in.
Text 3
W: I play basketball three times a week. What’s your favorite sport, Patrick?
M: I played baseball as a young kid, but I haven’t picked up a bat in years. I’m much more into tennis these days.
Text 4
M: I wish Uncle Jim wouldn’t talk with his mouth full of food.
W: Well, I love his jokes and that makes up for his lack of manners.
Text 5
W: How much did you pay for this new fridge?
M: Oh, it was a little over a thousand dollars, plus tax. It was much more expensive than our washing machine, but not nearly as much as our bed!
Text 6
W: I can’t believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Who usually does the cooking in      your family?
M: My mother and my two aunts don’t let anyone else do anything except for the salad and the drinks. That includes all the sauces, desserts, and place settings.
W: Wow. It sounds like they take Turkey Day pretty seriously.
M: Listen, if Thanksgiving were an Olympic sport, they would be kicked out for winning too many gold medals! What about you?
W: Well, my parents and I do everything together. It’s better than one person trying to do too much.
Text 7
W: Oh, there is nothing better than a nice cold glass of ice water on a hot day.
M: You know, cold water always gives me stomachaches.
W: Really? I’ve never had that problem. I’ve been drinking ice water since I was little.
M: Hmm. When I was a small boy, my grandmother never let my mom give me anything other than warm water.
W: Even in the summer?
M: Yes. Every once in a while, my dad would take me to get some ice cream, but my   grandmother was never happy about that. I think it was the sugar that she didn’t like…
Text 8
M: Is it me, or is it really hard to understand this speaker?
W: You’re right. It’s not that he has an accent like some of the other speakers from another country. It’s just that he is speaking too softly. Do you think it would be rude to ask him to turn his microphone up a little bit?
M: I don’t think he’s wearing one. Either that or he’s turned it off.
W: That’s crazy. There must be four hundred people here.
M: This part of the conference has turned into such a waste of time. Maybe we should leave and try to find another lecture.
W: I can’t do that. I come here specifically to hear this guy’s speech. I think I’ll just go up to him at the end of the speech and try to ask him some questions.
M: Good idea. Would you mind if I followed you up there? It might be the only way to get anything out of this hour.
W: No problem.
Text 9
W: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can find dresses for teenagers?
M: Yes, they’re on the left, next to the purses. But don’t you think you should look for something, uh…a bit more mature?
W: Oh, no…it’s not for me. I’m looking for a present for my niece. She’s turning 16 next week, and she’s having a big party.
M: Oh, I remember when my daughter was that age. She’s about to graduate college now.
W: How wonderful! Yeah, Elizabeth is looking at schools right now. We’ll probably take her on a tour of the East Coast colleges sometime in the fall. She lives with my brother and his wife in Oregon.
M: There are some schools there that offer good programs, but they probably don’t get the scenery like we do here on the East Coast. I’ve always liked seeing the seasons change. I went to the University of Pennsylvania. What about you?
W: I went to Brown University.
M: Great! So where does your niece want to go to school?
W: Oh, I think Harvard, Yale, and the University of Chicago are her top three choices.
M: Well, those are all fantastic schools with a long history, but I think it’s a good idea to take her to see all those places up close and in person. You can’t get a sense of a college until you set foot on campus.
W: I couldn’t agree more! Well, I’d better get back to my shopping!
Text 10
Hello, I’m Rachel Joyce. I’m so happy to be here today at the Claremont Library. I’ve traveled all the way from England, and it’s truly wonderful to visit the United States! This is the first stop on my book tour. I’m off to Australia next! Before I take any questions, let me tell you a bit about myself. My new novel, The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy, was recently published in 2014. The book is a companion to my first novel, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which follows a man named Harold Fry as he goes in search of his old friend, Queenie Hennessy, in hopes of saying goodbye before she dies. The novel was published in 2012. It was almost chosen for the Commonwealth Book Prize and the Man Booker Prize. The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy is Queenie’s side of the story as she waits for Harold. I’ve also written many radio plays for BBC Radio Four, and in 2007, I won the Tinniswood Award for my radio play To Be a Pilgrim. I have also won the UK National Book Award for New Writer of the Year. Before I was a writer, I was an actress in theatre and on TV. I’ll take questions from the audience now.
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