2016山东烟台高三下学期适应性练习英语试题及答案 烟台高三英语

一起优秀网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2016-05-11       本文受益:      

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A.19.1 5 pounds.    B.9.15 pounds.    C.9.18 pounds.
1.When does Mr.Green always finish his class?
A.At 4:55 pm.    B.At 5:00 pm.    C.At 5:1 0 pm.
2.What are the speakers talking about?
A.How to pay for the house.
B.Whether to find a better job.
C.Whether to go on a holiday.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.She will support the man.
B.The man asked for her support too late.
C.She may run for class monitor too.
4.What is the woman doing?
A.Trying on a piece of clothing.
B.Buying a handbag.
C.Drawing a colorful picture.
5.Why is the man angry with the woman driver?
A.She had an accident.
B.She telephoned while driving.
C.She wanted to kill the man.
6.How will the man’s brother go to South America?
A.By ship.     B.By plane.     C.By train.
7.What does the man decide to buy for his brother?
A.A silk tie.     B.A clock.     C.A toothbrush.
8.What do we learn about the training?
A.It is paid by the woman.
B.It is partly done on work time.
C.it runs from Wednesday to Friday.
9.What does the woman think of her new job?
A.Satisfactory.    B.Tiring.    C.Badly paid.
10.Where is Rick working now?
A,In a travel company.   B.in a hotel.     C.In a law office.
11.How does Rick feel about his trip to Brazil?
A.Excited.     B.Nervous.     C.Disappointed.
12.When will Rick leave?
A.In three days.     B.In a week.     C.In a month.
13.What’s the basic requirement for home-stay families?
A.Good at cooking.    B.Close to the schoo1.C.Having different customs.
14.What can international students expect in home—stay families?    
A.To share a bathroom.
B.To cook by themselves.
C.To follow their habits.
15.Why does the woman suggest living in a home-stay families?
A.It’s helpful to learn the language better.
B.There will be more freedom.
C.It’s convenient to travel around.
16.What should the students do to get along with the home-stay family?
A.Clean the house for the family.
B.Get rid of their own customs.
C.Follow the house rules.
17.Who is the speaker?
A.A taxi driver.     B.A police officer.     C.A radio announcer.
18.What makes driving taxi a hard job in London?
A.Bad traffic.     B.Large population.   C.Confused street names.
19.How long will it usually take for a taxi driver to pass the test?
A.25 days     B.3 years.     C.5 months.
20.What is the speaker’s advice when we are stuck on the mad?
A.Look at a map.     B.Change directions.   C.Be considerate.
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