
阳光学习网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-05-04       本文受益:      

温馨提示:手机用户请点击下方“原网页”或“电脑版”进行查看本文,效果最佳! 2017厦门中考质检英语考试将于2017年5月4日进行,一起学习吧高考网为你带来厦门市2017年中考教学质量检查英语试题及答案,以下为详细内容一起来看下吧~每一科考试结束后小编为在此页面为大家公布试题及答案。
1-5: CBBCA 6-10: BCACB 11-15: ACABC 16-20: ACBCB
21-25: CACBA 26-30: BBCAC 31-35: ABACA 36-40: BACBC
41-45: DABCB 46-50: CBCAD 51-55: DBACD 56-60: BCCDA
66-70: CADEB
61. June 62. Europe 63. red 64. apple 65. shy
71. There is a schoolbag on the desk.
72. I take out the rubbish twice a week.
73. He is good at playing the guitar.
74. Sam is taller than Tim.
75. We had a party yesterday.
76. How often do you exercise
77. How’s the weather? / What’s the weather like?
78. I am going to be a reporter when I grow up.
79. Who is your Chinese teacher
80. Have a good time/trip; Have fun
81. healthy 82. fifty 83. teach/show 84. close 85. free/spare
86. better 87. by/from 88. foreign 89. invited 90. themselves
VIII. One possible version
For those who ask what I love myself the most, my answer is simple -- my braveness. I always consider myself a brave person. I am never afraid of any challenges or new stuffs.
Looking back, I have to give many thanks for being a brave kid. I remember when I was in the school football team. It was the final match, a have-to-win game. Time was running out, and our team was 1 goal behind. Things didn’t look well, I took lots of shots but none of them worked out. Then we got a penalty kick, a ball which could get things back to order. Someone had to take the shot, we looked at each other in silence. All of a sudden, my braveness called upon me. A thought came through my mind, “There is nothing left to lose, what’s to be afraid of?” To everyone’s surprise, I came in front the ball and took the shot. The ball went into the net. At last, we won the match.
From time to time, I thought about the match that day. Although some might say it was too dangerous to take the shot, I never have a slightest doubt in my decision. That’s to say, I love being a brave kid.
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