
阳光学习网    来源: 一起学习吧高考网      2017-04-24       本文受益:      

第一部分 听力
第一节 短对话,只读一遍
Text one
W: Do you like playing tennis?
M: Yeah. Tennis is my favorite sport.  
W: Oh, really? I seldom play Tennis. Sometimes I play badminton. But I like basketball best.
Text two
W: What should we get for Jack’s birthday?
M: How about a basketball?
W: You know he hates doing exercise.
M: Then I guess we can buy him a guitar.
Text three
W: Excuse me, I am looking for a book called Little Women, but I can’t find it anywhere.
M: Let me see. I am sorry we have just sold it out.
Text four  
M: Hey, Kate! Can you come to my birthday party next weekend?
W: I’d love to go, but my grandparents are coming over next Saturday, and I think it’s best that I stay at home to be with them.
Text five
M: So , how are you adjusting to your new neighborhood?
W: It’s very quiet and pleasant. It is a bit of a challenge meeting people, though.
M: Why don’t you join a neighborhood social club? We did that when we first moved into our town.
第二节 长对话,读两遍
W: I am thinking about having a trip to Spain. Since you have travelled there before, would you please answer me some questions?
M: Ok, no problem.
W: So, when is the best time to visit Spain?
M: You will enjoy your trip very much whether it is in spring or summer. But the best months to travel to Spain are June and July.
W: Then, should I go there by train or by plane? Which is better?
M: Getting a train to Spain is more convenient, more comfortable and more relaxing. In Spain, train travel is rapidly growing in popularity because of its speed improving.
W: Well, I got it. Thanks.
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