2016浙江高三第二次五校联考英语试题及答案 浙江五校联考(3)

一起优秀网    来源: 17xuexiba      2016-05-05       本文受益:      

第二部分  阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)
第一节  阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
University — the best days of my life! I made lots of friends in my student dorm, went to great parties, joined the debating society…and, well, I did some work too — but I must admit my lecturers were very patient with my tardiness(拖拉).
It's easy to look back at our university days through rose-tinted spectacles but the truth is that when we first arrived on campus, most of us were out of our comfort zone.
In fact, a survey of students at Imperial College London has revealed that 3 out of 4 students experience high levels of stress, or a mental health condition, during their time at college. The survey, completed by over a thousand students, also found that 70% of those that experience stress do so at least once a week, and 9% of students feel stressed constantly.
Kirsty, a student at Exeter University, didn't enjoy her first days in college. She says: “When I first got to university I don't think I'd realized that I'd forgotten how to make friends. I'd been with the same
school friends for seven years, and so I was trying to balance social success with academic success while learning how to look after myself at quite a young age.”
Dr Ruth Caleb of the counseling service at Brunel University in London has some tips that should make life easier for students before they set off for university. She says: “Certain things that I think it would be very helpful for students to have put in place are an ability to do the practical things of life – to do the washing, to do the cleaning and so on — being able to cook. Budgeting is extremely important in university life.” And Caleb adds: “You should learn how to spend time on your own comfortably.”
I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way. I hope that new students these days remember to acquire some life skills before they make the big jump.
41. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part in Paragraph 2?
A. rose-shaped glasses B. positive perspectives
C. negative sides D. flower-like tools
42. What did Kirsty find most difficult to do during her first days in college?
A. Not knowing how to make new friends.
B. Not realizing the importance of making friends
C. Looking after herself at quite an early age.
D. Trying to achieve academic success.
43. Which of the following tips are helpful or important EXCEPT _____ according to Dr. Ruth Caleb?
A. having the ability to cook
B. being able to do the cleaning
C. learning how to spend money on one’s own
D. balancing social success and academic success
44. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. During the first few days at college for new students, most of them felt comfortable.
B. According to a survey, most students at Imperial College London suffered from stress at college.
C. The lecturers are always tolerant of college students’ improper behavior.
D. Acquiring some life skills isn’t that important to new students.
45. What does the author probably mean by saying “I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way”?
A. He quickly adapted to the new environment when he first arrived on campus.
B. He graduated from college with many achievements.
C. It might have taken him some time to get used to college life.
D. It might have made him proud by leading an independent life at college.
How do you spend your time? To get it, Paul T. Rankin asked sixty-eight individuals to keep an accurate, detailed record of what they did every minute of their waking hours. He discovered that 70 percent of their waking time was spent on one thing only — communication. Put that evidence alongside the research findings uncovered by the Human Engineering Laboratories, they discovered that, vocabulary, more than any other factor yet known, predicts financial success. New words make us better thinkers as well as communicators. What better reason for beginning right now to extend your vocabulary? But how?
Hybrid (杂交产生的) corn combines the best qualities of several varieties to ensure maximum productivity. A hybrid approach to vocabulary should, in the same way, ensure maximum results. That’s why you should use the CPD formula.
Through Context. When students in a college class were asked what should be done when they came across an unknown word in their reading, 84 percent said, “Look it up in the dictionary.” If you do, however, you short-circuit the very mental processes needed to make your efforts most productive.
But there’s another reason. Suppose someone asks you what the word “fast” means. You answer, “speedy or swift”. But does it mean that in such context as “fast color” or “fast friend”? And if a horse is fast, is it securely tied or galloping at top speed? It could be either. It all depends. On the dictionary? No, on the context. After all, there are over twenty different meanings for “fast” in the dictionary. But the dictionary doesn’t tell you which meaning is intended. That’s why it makes such good sense to begin with context.
Through Word Parts. Now for the next step. Often unfamiliar words contain one or more parts, which, if recognized, provide definite help with meaning. Take the word “monolithic” for example. Try to separate the parts. There is the prefix mono-, meaning “one”, and the root –lith, meaning “stone”. Finally, there’s the suffix –ic, meaning “consisting of”. Those three parts add up to this definition: “consisting of one stone”.
To speed up your use of word parts, you will be introduced to the fourteen most important words in the English language. The prefix and root elements in those few words are found in over 14,000 words. With those amazingly useful shortcuts, you can build up vocabulary, not at a snail’s pace, one word at a time, but in giant leaps, up to a thousand words at a time.
Through the Dictionary. Now you can see why you should consult the dictionary last, not first. You’ve looked carefully at the context. You’ve looked for familiar word parts. Now you play Sherlock Homes. In light of context or word parts, you try to solve a mystery. What exactly does that strange word mean? Only after you go through the mental gymnastics to come up with a tentative (不确定的) definition should you open the dictionary to see if you’re right.
You are now personally involved. Your increased interest will lead to a better memory of both word and meaning. It also encourages your development of the habits needed to accelerate your progress. And when you see in black and white the definition you had expected, what a feeling of accomplishment is yours. In that way, the CPD Formula provides the exact approaches for maximum effectiveness.
Well, there it is, your new formula — Context, Parts, Dictionary. Use it! The results will be like the money in the bank.
46. The research findings of the Human Engineering Laboratories show that ______.
A. intelligence and vocabularies are closely related
B. income and vocabularies are closely related
C. people of large vocabularies are bound to succeed in the future
D. vocabulary is of great importance to a student’s academic performance
47. What would most college students do while coming across an unfamiliar word?
A. Seek help from others. B. Infer the meaning through context.
C. Look for familiar word parts. D. Consult the dictionary.
48. What does “monolingual” mean according to the passage?
  A. Involving only one language. B. Using two languages.
  C. Speaking or using many languages. D. Involving more than one language.
49. This passage is meant to teach readers how to
A. use the dictionary
B. build up vocabulary through context
C. extend vocabulary with the help of dictionaries
D. enlarge vocabulary by means of the CPD formula
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